RJ Video Clips #2

  1. Missionaries tried to Christianise the Natives and teach them how to read the bible. Since the 1950s the government has been working to integrate students in the residential school system with provincial schools. Mr. Cutham was teaching his students Cree, where as children were beaten for using their tongue language before. Students also were taught their forgotten culture and dances.
  2. The theme that the author portayed was to, not forget who you are. The video showed the history of Cree and how they were taught English and told to forget their own language. Later on, it showed how the natives were able to decide if their kids went to residential school starting in the 1950s. The children were taught their own culture in these schools.
  3. Watching the video gave the mood of curosity. It showed the up-climb of the Natives. Children learning, playing and dancing were all shown throughout the video. The students showed acknowledgement towards the parents, teachers and other workers, the entire time.
  4. The video was all black and white and no special effects were used. The images created the same shown in the video. It was simply put together. The scene that was a striking moment for me was the ending where it had shown the Natives re-learning the culture that once they were told to forget.
  5. I enjoyed the video personally because it displayed the regeneration of the Cree culture. I think it’s important that all Canadians learn about how the Natives were mistreated because Natives hold a big history in Canada. The restortation of the Natives was interesting. It was all well-worded and potrayed everything. 

Be the Change

 “Do not accept injustice in any form. Make the injustice visible. Be prepared to die for it” – Gandhi

In my opinion, it isn’t right do nothing about injustice. You should stand up and fight for your rights. This also means that there should be a limit to how much action is taken. In the movie, Gandhi refused to take action and the incident had to take the fall for him. Thousands of people, including women and children suffered death. If Gandhi was proactive on taking action against the British, lose of women and children might have not happened. If the action taken was a failed attempt, they could simply give up on it. Bravery is important in non-violence because of much you have to endure. All the pain, hatred of the opposition could be overwhelming and it takes a lot of courage to stand up to it. Also with non-violence, the same pain could not be returned. In this generation, students are not couragous enough to take on the struggle that comes with facing injustice. But i feel as if the injustice is great enough there would be a good chunk of the student population to take on this struggle knowing that death may be involved. I personally, would be one of those students.

Age of Stupid

December 4, 2012

Age Of Stupid Response

                The movie “Age of Stupid” is a biased documentary predicting future events as of human-caused climate change. The movie takes place in 2055 where the world has been destroyed where the survivor , Pete, questions “Why didn’t stop climate change when we had the chance?”, criticizing the new generation. The movie consisted of bias statements using people and their hardship with climate change as examples. The stories was set out to be painful experiences and set out a guilt feelings to the viewers.
                Age of Stupid” got it’s message across using fear. It’s bias but true statements would disruption in the human mind to take some kind of positive action. Pete used real life examples of living people to drive the fear factor into people.  African girl who lived in a village in Nigeria that was destroyed by Shell , two children who were moved from Iraq because of a war, an Indian man who had cheap Airlines, an American man who lived through hurricane Katrina and was a hero in his community, a wind-farmer developer and an old man who noticed the change in glaciers over his life time. All of Pete’s examples had one general idea around it; to stop climate change.
The mood the movie set was a guilt feeling. It shows how humans know how they’re ruining their own world but yet they don’t take actions. Using depressing and persuasive stories in the movie, it’s a motivator to get people to take action and fix climate change before its too late. If actions aren’t taken, according to the movie, we could potentially wipe out our own kind and ruin our own planet.
                   Throughout “Age of Stupid”, a lot of scenes contained images of destruction and stupidity of human kind. It had its way of sticking its own ideas into people’s head and get them to think differently. It showed the struggles of some and gets us to feel sympathetic.
I didn’t really enjoy the movie because it made me feel like I’m greedy and guilty of actions and sacrifices i hadn’t made. I will agree though, that the documentaries of living people were really persuasive and had a moving effect. I strongly believe that we’re approaching the peak of technology and from now on, the amount of consumption will start declining because we WILL do what is necessary for survival.

About Me :)

My name is Shaun Reddy. I was born in Surrey on March 23rd. I lived in Calgary for most of my life and came back to Surrey 2 and a half years ago. I have this major crush on chocolate milk.  I’m really lazy but i like to do work so i contradict myself. I sometimes feel awkward around people. I am almost always honest. Soccer and  Tweeting is what I do for fun. I like to watch Naruto and other animes. I love my mommy, she makes a lot of good food.